クラフトニーの2nd Album / Toy Balloon の収録曲をダウンロードでも購入いただけるようにしました。16bit / 44.1KHz wav ファイルです。「りんご」という未発表曲も試しに出してみましたよ。決済は基本クレジットカード決済でお願いしたいのですが、「STORES」の仕様でいろんな決済方法がついています。決済処理はSTORESがきちっとやってくれるので大丈夫だと思います。手探りのスタートではありますが、、CD買うのはちょっとなぁ、、とかCDプレーヤーなんか持ってねぇし、、みたいな方はぜひこちらで試しに何か1曲、購入してみてください。そしてズルズル全部買っちゃった〜的なご報告を楽しみにしています。よろしくお願いします
1)ワーゲンバスでGO! VW BUS TOUR 2)雨がお似合い MELODY IN THE RAIN 3)向日葵 SUNFLOWER 4)素直にグッドバイ TIME TO SAY GOODBYE 5)気休めの言葉 WORDS OF COMFORT 6)舞い上がれバルーン FLY BALLOONS 7)マンデリンコーヒー MANDHELING COFFEE 8)素晴らしいウィークエンド WONDERFUL WEEKEND 9)静かな公園 QUIET PARK 10)ベイミュージアム BAY MUSEUM 11)クラクションで眠れない DON’T BEEP AT NIGHT 12)隠れ家 HIDING PLACE 13)空の下で UNDER THE SKY 14)マンデリンコーヒー(インストルメンタル) MANDHELING COFFEE (INSTRUMENTAL)
David PatonAll in all it’s an excellent collection of songs, very catchy melodies and very fine arrangements, it also has an excellent production. With all these positive elements it sounds like a classic CD that can be played again and again and still retains that fresh very appealing quality.
Well done Hisa and all who performed with you, it’s a work to be proud of.
The Worst Band
A great energetic start to A Routine Day. I hear a lovely melody and the bridge section is very strong. The chord structure is very interesting and enjoyable.
Money Game
This is a lively fun song with prominent piano, ‘All the fun of the fair’ A very strong song, I enjoyed it very much.
A Routine Day
A very strong element to A Routine Day is the superb production and harmony vocals which are so prominent in this song.
Lazy Postman
I love the fun here, and the up and dynamic sound of this song. The acoustic guitar and excellent vocals draw the listener in and it’s a songs you want to replay again and again.
Jetty and Ship
A nice little interlude.
This is really good, and the change of lead vocalist works well, it builds very nicely to a strong chorus.
Deep Blue Sky
Yes, typical Hisa Tanaka guitar and voice, very catchy and accomplished composition.
Spinning Albert
A good rocker
I wanna be a Pilot
Lovely chord progression again, and the multi tracked guitars are very good, I also enjoyed the vocal harmony.
Café Accordion
I love it, the piano and voice intro set up the rest of the song beautifully. The violin is very well played and is perfect for this song.
Message Chair
A very good arrangement for string quartet? And then a clever move to piano and mandolin, or is it Bouzouki? I love the vocals the follow, very strong.
The Lands’ End Station
Yes, also very good, I like it.
Goodbye Hero
Wow! You really put a lot of work into your instrument and vocal arrangements Hisa. Very good chord changes and catchy melody.
Night Postman
Ha, it’s Django again and into a cool piano and nice relaxing groove, it has good humour too.